LEADERS OF CHANGE – Leadership begins at the top. Although ISO 9001:2015, sub-clause 5.3 requires C-level or top management to assign relevant persons to ensure quality management system (QMS) requirements are communicated and understood, the responsibility to provide the leadership needed to champion the effectiveness of the QMS remains with top management. The responsibilities to provide direction and to ensure the effectiveness of the QMS stay with top management.
QMS implementation is not an individual activity. The successful implementation of a QMS is a team effort that requires the leadership of top management. It can be a major mistake to allow the implementation of a QMS to be seen as the responsibility of an individual or a QA/QC duty. If this is permitted to occur, it could encourage responsible parties such as the QMS process owners, management, and others to remain uninvolved as well as not understand how their activities affect the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives or to improve the effectiveness of the QMS.
The importance of top management’s responsibility to provide leadership as well as many other topics related to ISO 9001:2015, API Q1 and API Q2 will be discussed during our virtual Audit Fundamentals and Lead Auditor training courses are held on various dates throughout the year. Visit http://astontechconsult.com or click this link to see our latest scheduled dates. http://bit.ly/2dd3z0m